Procrastination solved:
Bonus chapter 4: forming an ultimate habit
The game changer
You will be healed of procrastination when your mental process flows like that:
- You get motivated by thinking of your personal desire.
- Before trying to begin working, you calm your mind, so beginning a task will be almost without discomfort
- Work done will motivate you even more.
This is the mental loop you want because it leads you to a fullfiled life.
That’s why I created a mobile app which helps you train your brain to stay in this loop. This is how it works:
1. During the day, app sends you a notification every 30 minutes. If at that moment you are doing nothing productive, you can tap on notification and motivational slideshow with your personal desires will appear:

2. While motivation boost still lasts, you click play button and listen to audio which will calm your mind and prevent discomfort from emerging.

3. You will feel just the motivation without discomfort. Begining a task will feel much easier.
After a while, these 3 steps will become your automatic habit. You will not even have to use app anymore, because mental pattern will be stored in your subconscious mind.
Click button below to download free app:
Contact me!
Matej Zlodej s.p.
Pesnica pri Mariboru 61c
2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru
Pesnica pri Mariboru 61c
2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru
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