In this section of free preview, you will discover a simple 10-second mind trick which will instantly make any task feel easier than normal.
10-second mind trick: preparation
To successfully perform any trick, you must first understand how it works “behind the scenes.” It takes only 20 seconds to grasp, so please bear with me:
- Every action feels hard to you, even if you know it’s the only way towards the life you desire.
- What makes an action feel hard? It’s a mix of different negative emotions you experience right before acting.
- Science tells us that every emotion is caused by thoughts. More thoughts in your mind mean more negative emotions.
- But, on the other hand, fewer thoughts also mean fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression, which make tasks feel hard to begin with.
When your mind is free of thoughts, you feel at ease, because there's nothing bothering you.
Now, let’s show you a mind trick that will instantly calm your mind and eliminate the negative emotions keeping you trapped in the cycle of procrastination.
In this section of free preview, you will discover a simple 10-second mind trick which will instantly make any task feel easier than normal.
10-second mind trick: preparation
To successfully perform any trick, you must first understand how it works “behind the scenes.” It takes only 20 seconds to grasp, so please bear with me:
- Every action feels hard to you, even if you know it’s the only way towards the life you desire.
- What makes an action feel hard? It’s a mix of different negative emotions you experience right before acting.
- Science tells us that every emotion is caused by thoughts. More thoughts in your mind mean more negative emotions.
- But, on the other hand, fewer thoughts also mean fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression, which make tasks feel hard to begin with.
When your mind is free of thoughts, you feel at ease, because there's nothing bothering you.
Now, let’s show you a mind trick that will instantly calm your mind and eliminate the negative emotions keeping you trapped in the cycle of procrastination.
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Matej Zlodej s.p.
Pesnica pri Mariboru 61c
2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru
Pesnica pri Mariboru 61c
2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru
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