Procrastination solved:
Get out of procrastination rut in 2 days
If I offered you 1 million dollars to spend rest of today being productive working on tasks you normally procrastinate on, would you take the offer? For just one day you have to eat healthy, excercise and do the work you know you should be doing.
Not only you would accept this offer in a heartbeat, you would spend rest of your day excited because million dollars is waiting for you.
Of course, nobody is going to offer you one million dollars, because nobody really cares if you achieve something in your life. However, this example proves that right now, in this exact moment you have potential to feel excited and motivated about the work, regardless of how boring or challenging it is. All you need is understanding how to unlock this feeling.
Your roadmap for getting out of procrastination rut
All procrastination “solutions” just give you more work to do, while your problem is in not being able to do any work.
As former procrastinator, I understand that the only way for you to get out of procrastination rut is to provide you with a method, that will not require you to rely on iron discipline which you, let’s be honest, don’t have at the moment.
Here’s the plan:
- Firstly I will show you a way of raising motivation without using self discipline, so you will truly feel like doing small steps forward and enjoy the process. This stage takes less than 24 hours, meaning that in less than a day, you will truly feel like doing basic productive tasks without having to “force” yourself into doing them.
- When you are capable of tiny steps, I will show you exact steps you should follow to achieve high levels of energy and motivation. In 2 or 3 days you will notice you are capable of action you haven’t been for years (maybe never before).
- In the end I will teach you how to start eliminating overthinking, anxiety and other negative feelings that make every task much harder than necessary. In this stage you will also be able to eliminate discomfort that you feel before starting a task.
Very important: Make sure you follow the steps in correct order without skipping them. Because only then entire process will feel effortless for you.
Your main and only objective
Your main objective is to change your emotional state. You want to change how you feel about doing productive work. Instead of feeling tired and unmotivated, you want to feel energized and motivated. Because once you feel motivated, taking action will not be a problem anymore. So we are not focusing on how to take action, but rather how to truly feel like taking action.
It’s crucial for you to understand that it doesn’t matter how much more work is ahead of you. What matters if how you feel in the moment when it’s time to work.