Procrastination and Productivity membership
No other skill is more important for you than overcoming procrastination, because it is the NECESSARY first step towards:
Getting rid of depression and anxiety
Not being financially broke all the time
Being attractive person with amazing relationships
Child-like levels of energy and health
I will help you overcome procrastination just like therapist would but in a cheaper and more convenient way
... I have created a membership where I can help many people at once, saving time for me and money for you. Here's how it works :
You follow a free 3-step system
which will assure you keep becoming more productive from day to day without it feeling like a hard work
You ask questions
about specific situations that arise during your transformation. You can submit quesitons before or during the stream.
You receive personalized advice
Bonus: Procrastination encyclopedia
My offer to you
You get 2 nuclear tools to get you out of the procrastination rut:
1. Access to weekly Q&A stream
I privately stream every Sunday at 1 pm (EST) on YouTube. There you can anonymously ask me specific questions regarding procrastination and I will help with you relevant advice. It's almost like having a personal counseling.
2. Instant access to Procrastination encyclopedia
Don't get stuck on barriers that have been already solved. You can check proven advice for specifc situations by yourself at any time!
Price for membership access:
9,99€ / month
I don't GUARANTEE just that your investment will pay off in matter of days but also:
Questions I get asked a lot:
How long does each live stream last?
It depends on how many of questions I receive before and during the stream. Streams usually last between 60 and 200 minutes.
Do I have to watch entire stream to see answer to my question?
While I share a lot of advice for all sorts of situations regarding procrastination and productivity, you don't have to watch it all.
After every stream, I will send you a link to edited recording of the stream, where you can quickly hop to answer you are interested in.
After every stream, I will send you a link to edited recording of the stream, where you can quickly hop to answer you are interested in.
At what day and time are you live streaming?
I stream every Sunday at 1 pm Eastern time. This is equivalent to:
7 pm CEST for Germany, France, Italy...
6 pm GMT + 1 for UK
10 am Pacific time for California
7 pm CEST for Germany, France, Italy...
6 pm GMT + 1 for UK
10 am Pacific time for California
What happens if I can't attend the live stream?
You can submit your question via provided form before my live stream. After the stream, you will receive link to edited recording of the stream, where you can quickly jump to answers and advice on questions that are relevant to you.
How do I cancel a membership?
You simply click "Cancel membership" in your dashboard. If you cancel your membership in the first month, you will also receive a full refund as I will assume that membership didn't help you.