Procrastination solved:

Chapter 7: Preventing discomfort from emerging

Stage duration: 7 minutes

As we have already explained, observing thoughts leads to decreased feelings of discomfort, thus less procrastination before and during work. Imagine how easy achieving success would be for you if every task would be easy to begin with without you having to do anything.

Observing thoughts and feelings is called meditation. Let me say that straight away: don’t be afraid that you will have to start sitting and observing your thoughts for long periods of time. Like everything else, you will do just as much as you will feel like doing it when your fire of motivation becomes big enough from previous stages.

Meditation is the ultimate weapon against procrastination for two reasons:

  1. When you meditate, you practice observing thoughts and feelings. The more you practice the easier and more automatic handling discomfort before and during any task will be.
    This means that after a while of practicing meditation, you will not have to think about observing feelings and thoughts, it will just happen without any effort. The same way juggling balls would with practice become effortless.

  2. The more you advance in meditation practice, the more you permanently remove the root of all fears. In practice this means, unpleasant feelings will not even emerge before and during the productive work, so procrastination will no longer be an issue.

    We don’t want to go too deep into how this happens, but will explain in few lines. The longer your meditation practices become, deeper into root of your fears you go. When you allow yourself to feel fears and pain from the past stored deep inside your mind, this fears and pain will start dissapearing as well. Your subconsious will start to heal and everything will start feeling easier and easier.

Remember how in stage 6 we explained that you should invest little moments of meditation wisely by prioritizing tasks related to physical activity and nutrition? Well, meditation is third priority.

You should meditate at least a few seconds a day before you do anything else non related to nutrition or exercise, because medtitaiton will make you use less willpower and motivation during the day and will make you more productive.

How to meditate?

It’s the same practice we described in stage 4: you focus on your breath for a few moments, then you start becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings. You do it as long as you are able to, before discomfort becomes too hard to live with. If it’s only 5 seconds it’s ok. Don’t set a goal for how long you want to practice, because it will just make beginning harder. Just do it for as long as you feel like. Every second of practice will make your life easier and more productive.

If you find meditation hard to do it for more than a few seconds, that’s ok. It just tells you that you are unable to live with your current thoughts and feelings. So it makes sense that you procrastinate by running away to pleasant vices.

The biggest mistake people make when approaching meditation practice is to set goals like: “I will meditate every day for 5 minutes”. Translation of this goal is: “I will suffer my fears and pain for 5 minutes every day”. You don’t want to make meditation practice harder, so approach it with this mindset:

  • I will meditate every day, even if it is just for a one second, I know I can do it for one second.
  • In this one second I will fully allow to feel and observe whatever feelings or thoughts emerge
  • I will keep doing it for as long as I feel like. I can stop right away and I can try it multiple times a day.

With this mindset your meditation practices will become longer, you will get more effect which will motivate for more action, meanwhile your procrastination problem will start disappearing with ever greater speed

In stage 8 you will learn:

  • How to assure constant level of strong willpower
  • The most comfortable way to eliminate vices and addictions for good

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