Procrastination solved:

Chapter 9: Enjoying the superpower

Stage duration: 3 minutes

All the steps until now are all about managing emotions. Provided you didn’t skip any of the steps, feeling of “I don’t feel like doing it” should be easy to handle, but it should also occur less frequently in the first place.

Your life is nothing but sequence of moments from the moment you are born to the moment you die. Every moment that you are not afraid to feel whatever emotions flow through you and observe them without trying to stop or redirect them, is the moment you are in control.

Every moment your actions are not impulsive and 100% depended on your emotions is the moment you are using the superpower. The superpower to decide what you do every moment of your life despite of thoughts and emotions.

In stage 9 you start becoming motivated not by the fact that you are closer to your external goals, but by the fact that you are in full control of your actions. Because you already (always have) know what are the actions which lead you in direction of fulfilling your deepest desires, you start feeling internal motivation that comes from your ability.

Any healthy habit you read about (sleeping well, learning, practice, improving yourself…) will be easy to form. Habits are not hard to form once you have no problem taking action. The worst thing that can happen is forgetting to do it, but this is easy to solve with reminder.

Stage 9 is a stage of ultimate joy and fullfilment.You enter stage 9 naturally by following stages 1-8. There is absolutely nothing else you need to know or worry about.

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