Procrastination solved: Chapters 5-9

If you can't imagine it, you can't have it
No depression or anxiety
Feeling of peace and self confidence
Waking up excited for more fruits of life
Child-like levels of energy

A proven roadmap to a mindset shift

Your path to a NEW YOU:

Chapter 5: Prolonging bursts of motivation
How to avoid basic mistake procrastinators do all the time that kills their motivation. Spliting big tasks into smaller is generally a good advice but majority do it totally wrong.

Chapter 6: Investing your motivation wisely
No matter how low your existing motivation is at the moment, it is the only tool that can help you achieve higher levels of motivation. In this chapter I teach you how to "invest" it in order for motivation to grow.

Stage 7: Preventing discomfort from emerging
We will learn how to keep mind calm and focused for longer periods of time. You will need less and less motivaiton to begin and keep working on achieving of your goals.

Stage 8: Stabilizing willpower
Based on progress from previus chapters, you can now start removing vices and addictions without having to feel miserable even for a moment.

Stage 9: Enjoying the superpower
In final stage of the course, you are able to form new habits with ease. You can choose who you want to be and make it reality.. There will be no feelings of discomfort holding you back.
The best way to learn is from people who have already done it
I am offering you to personally guide you through process of becoming highly motivated action taker
Here's how it works:
You go through chapters 5-9 alone
You will experience significant improvements in terms of motivation and willpower and realize you are finally on the path you've always desired.
I help you with specific challenges you might encounter
We can talk anytime via e-mail, direct messaging or audio/video call, whatever is easiest for you. You will never again end up stuck alone not knowing what to do.
Repeat and enjoy accelerating progress
You will feel less and less procrastination tendecies, but for any potential obstacle, I am one message away to help you progress further.
How people describe their experience:
My offer to you
You get 3 nuclear tools to overcome procrastination for good:
1. Access to Chapters 5-9
5 steps designed to feel mentally effortless to follow. Remove root causes of procrastination, so you will not feel the need for destructive vices anymore.
2. Unlimited individual support
It's like having a professional individual counseling without having to pay 50-200$ per hour. If you can't find solution to specific situation, your help is always just one message away!
3. Procrastination Encyclopedia
Don't get stuck on barriers that have been already solved. You can check proven advice for specifc situations at any time!
Price for instant access to all three tools:
I don't GUARANTEE just that your investment will pay off in matter of days but also:

Questions I get asked a lot:
How can price be so low when it includes unlimited personal coaching
At this moment, chapters 5-9 and Procrastination Encyclopedia include material from countless 1 on 1 consultations with my former students, so there is usually not too much individual support needed.
by coming up with new problematic situations regarding procrastination which are not included in the material, you also help me further develop my couse, so the value goes both ways. I encourage you to ask as many question as you might have, so your transformation will be much faster.
What do you mean by your method being effortless
Steps are designed in a way that you never feel like you are doing work, but at the same time you are still progressing. It doesn’t matter at what step (chapter) you currently are, as long as you don’t forget about it, you will progress. You know you are ready for the next chapter when you have feeling of wanting to do it. And this feeling will come naturally!
How can I be sure this is going to work for me, so I don’t waste money on yet another “solution”?
The best way of knowing that is by trying out free chapters 1-4, regardless of how trivial they might look to you (remember, they should look trivial, otherwise you wound’t do it anyway). If you notice a significant change in your procrastination behavior by implementing chapters 1-4, you can be sure that chapters 5-9 and working with me will only accelerate your progress.
Chapters 1-4 are very short. What can I expect chapters 5-9 to look like?
Every chapter contains just the information you need, so the entire process of overcoming procrastination remains managable for you. Content of each chapter was refined through countless individual consulations with now ex-procrastinators. Chapters 5-9 get a bit longer ,but you will be able to consume knowledge in under 30 minutes. For additional extensive tips for specific situations you can check procrastination encyclopedia or ask me for individual support.