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Procrastination path 1:

For some reason, you are unable to take action

You hope one day you will simply wake up motivated and full of energy

Meanwhile tasks and dreams pile up which feels stressful
Even when you have free time, you cannot fully enjoy it
Every missed deadline or opportunity adds to guilt and shame
Especially when you see your peers and realize you are falling behind in life
Which leads to depression and makes a change feel even harder
One day bitter realization strikes you: your potential and deepest desires might forever remain unfulfilled

Procrastination path 2:

For some reason, you are unable to take action

You search for solutions and eventually find one that helps you take action

It doesn’t instantly change your life, but it allows you to be productive for at least a little while
Having control over your actions feels exciting to you even if it’s not perfect control
Because now you’ve proven to yourself that change is possible
Small wins quickly ignite more motivation and excitement for life
You are becoming an active person
You now believe yourself when you say that you will do something
and that fills you with feeling of control over your life and self-confidence
You feel at peace, able to enjoy your life to the fullest
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