Procrastination therapy:
I am perfectionist
If you know you have tendencies of perfectionist, then you are already half way towards solving it. You probably already know, that perfection is just a theoretical concept but is practically imposible to achieve. So instead of telling you how nothing is perfect, it is better to explain what it does in your mind and how it prevents you from doing the work.
If you are perfectionist, the following happens all the time in your mind: before or during the task, your mind constantly thinks of the ways you could approach the work even more efficiently. You cannot stop thinking about how end result could potentially be even better than you initially planned.
Because there are usually infinite ways of doing something better and more efficiently, you soon find yourself overwhelmed by the thoughts, which prevents you to begin with or carry on with the task. It is like taking a heavy backpack to walk in the park.
So, if you are perfectionist, you are most likely overwhelmed with thoughts. And being overwhelmed is one of the most common reasons for procrastination. You should continue here:
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Matej Zlodej s.p.
Pesnica pri Mariboru 61c
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