Procrastination solved:

Stage 6: Investing motivation wisely

Stage duration: 4 minutes

In chapter 5 we explained why doing small tasks first is sure way to make short burst of motivation last longer. However, speaking of simple tasks, you must know one important fact:

2 small tasks can take the same effort but will differ in how much and for how long they will strenghten your fire of motivation. 1 pound of wood will give you less fire than 1 pound of coal.
So, when you feel at least a little motivated, you should firstly do tiny tasks that contribute the most to your level of motivation. What are these tasks?

  1. All forms of physical activitiy
  2. Eating healthy foods

Stage 6 in practice: So let’s suppose you woke up, drank your coffe and now feel a little bit of motivation. Following stage 5 instructions, you don’t choose hard task straight away, because that could kill the little motivation you have. So you choose to do something easier first, taking out the trash for example.

Here comes stage 6 into play. You don’t take trash out but instead do something related to physical activity. What physical activity requires equal amount of motivation than taking trash out? 1 push up? 5, 20 push ups? It’s up to you to decide, but you must do physical acitvity first. That will give you motivation to take trash out later + it will give you more motivation for everything else in the next hours.

Same goes for healthy food. If nothing else, drink glass of vitamins or take omega 3. Just do it before anything else. If you feel motivated enough, of course.
Approach physical activity and good nutrition with the same mindset we described in stage 5: do easy thing first. Don’t try to go for a 2 hour walk. Go out for 30 seconds and see how it goes. If you feel motivated, continue a bit more, otherwise return to you daily life. No matter how much you do in terms of exercise or good nutrition, you WILL get more motivation in the next hours.

Stage 6 is successful when you do one small task regarding physical exercise & good nutrition. For example, if you did just one pushup and ate one apple before trying to do anything else productive, stage 6 is completed and will get only better in the next days. Meanwhile your motivation will become stronger and longer lasting, so you will be able to do even more in terms of exercise and nutrition in addition to all other productive tasks.

It might sound too easy to be true, but following mental principles from stages 5 and 6 is a effortless but a sure way to gradually increase your levels of motivation and productivity. When you implement these two stages in your mindset, it will start a snowball effect, where your motivaiton and willpower start growing exponentially with time.

In stage 7 you will learn how to develop a subconsious habit of handling discomfort and PERMANENTLY remove root of all fears and procrastination.

Answers to most common questions & problems people have during stage 3. Only the answers that were confirmed helpful are included:

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